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Eighth Grade Class of De La Salle Middle School Providence Rhode Island

I want to thank each of you for taking the time to write those inspiring notes of thanks to me for the presentation I gave to your class on November 5th, 2019. I read every word, in every note, and shared many of them with my wife. It is difficult for me to express the feelings of gratitude I have for your gift of those notes which expressed your impressions of my presentation on the Vietnam War, my experiences in that war, and the sharing of my Faith. You are wonderful representatives of my Alma Mater and reflect the best of your parents and teachers.

There have been times that I have been concerned for our future as I look at some of the young people today. You have restored my faith in the future of this great country of America. I am sure each of you will make your mark in the world and do great things. You may not be famous or wealthy by the standards of this world, but you will make a difference for the good of all, and that is all that counts. You may not be able to see it yet, but remember my statement that "I never dreamed what would come into my life."

Like the letters I received during the Vietnam War from the Eighth Grade Class of East Hartford High School, I will cherish the written words you gave to me.

Never stop striving to be all that God intends for you. Never let go of your dreams. Never forget that you are blessed to live in this wonderful country, America, and never let go of your Faith that will give you the Courage to do your Duty.

With appreciation to you all,
John G. "Jack" Heslin
La Salle Academy Alumni, Class of 1961

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