- KOREANS - Jack Heslin 14:29:20 01/28/25
- GONZALO LIRA - Jack Heslin 09:17:46 01/06/25
- MASS CASUALTIES - Jack Heslin 14:08:52 12/23/24
- ARTILLERY - Jack Heslin 22:27:26 07/18/23
- INSANITY - Jack Heslin 22:07:37 07/12/23
- DECISION - Jack Heslin 14:02:56 07/08/23
- CORRELATION OF FORCES - Jack Heslin 16:52:37 06/28/23
- INSURRECTION - Jack Heslin 22:36:48 06/25/23
- DEJA VU - Jack Heslin 17:20:47 06/06/23
- UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES - Jack Heslin 20:09:08 06/02/23
- IT IS SO SAD - Jack Heslin 14:13:51 05/29/23
- THE TETHERED GOAT - Jack Heslin 19:49:30 05/20/23
- LESSONS LEARNED - Jack Heslin 15:06:24 05/10/23
- GAME OVER - Jack Heslin 13:30:36 04/07/23
- PANDORA S BOX - Jack Heslin 22:03:32 12/28/22
- WHO REMEMBERS? - Jack Heslin 13:28:22 12/27/22
- STAGGERING INCOMPETENCE - Jack Heslin 21:51:24 12/01/22
- Never have we seen this before. - Jack Heslin 13:47:41 11/26/22
- What happened to patience? - Jack Heslin 15:10:00 11/13/22
- RULES OF ENGAGEMENT - Jack Heslin 22:56:41 10/10/22
- ECONOMY OF FORCE - Jack Heslin 22:53:54 10/10/22
- Ukraine Conflict Commentary - Jack Heslin 13:12:32 07/26/22
- A LOSING HAND - Jack Heslin 20:10:08 07/23/22
- WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY SECRETS - Jack Heslin 21:15:42 07/21/22
- CULTURE GUARANTORS - Jack Heslin 15:18:54 07/20/22
- EYES IN THE SKY - Jack Heslin 14:36:15 07/14/22
- EFFECTIVE FIRE - Jack Heslin 12:51:56 07/07/22
- PEACE AGREEMENTS - Jack Heslin 13:26:23 06/28/22
- BODY COUNT - Jack Heslin 08:53:42 06/24/22
- THE END GAME - Jack Heslin 15:18:00 06/20/22
- THE NARRATIVE - Jack Heslin 12:35:14 06/12/22
- UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT - Jack Heslin 20:02:33 06/09/22
- Re: UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT - Dan Fox 12:59:38 06/11/22
- Re: UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT - Giap Phuc Hai 15:35:15 06/10/22
- Re: UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT - Jack Heslin 15:36:35 06/10/22
- Re: UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT - Jack Heslin 15:36:35 06/10/22
- Re: UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT - Dan Fox 12:59:38 06/11/22
- Stolen Honor - Jack Heslin 19:58:33 06/09/22
- UKRAINE VS VIETNAM - Jack Heslin 17:05:00 05/30/22
- Amnesia and Kontum 1972-2020 - doorgunner 00:02:00 07/22/20
- Hello, Ken - Raymond Donahue 21:01:25 05/30/20
- Propagandists Masquerading as Historians - Terry Garlock 16:31:05 02/06/18
- Ken Burns Vietnam War Documentary - Jack Heslin 21:00:56 09/29/17
- Re: Ken Burns Vietnam War Documentary - Jack Finch Member Team 33 13:24:00 09/30/17
- Re: Ken Burns Vietnam War Documentary - Stephen Mark Truhan MACV Team 21, Ben Het 12:42:30 10/03/17
- LTC Neal McCurdy - Kimberly McCurdy 08:48:23 09/30/17
- Stephen Mark Truhan - bruce hughes 19:06:23 10/03/17
- LTC Neal McCurdy - Kimberly McCurdy 08:48:23 09/30/17
- Re: Ken Burns Vietnam War Documentary - Stephen Mark Truhan MACV Team 21, Ben Het 12:42:30 10/03/17
- Re: Ken Burns Vietnam War Documentary - Jack Finch Member Team 33 13:24:00 09/30/17
- On "The Vietnam War" - Jack Heslin 08:00:44 11/07/17
- Beyond Shameful: Don't Fall for this Deceitful Vietnam Flick - Jack Heslin 08:08:03 11/07/17
- A Story of Four Countries - Jack Heslin 17:44:44 08/03/17
- My book: Kontum: The Battle to Save South Vietnam - Tom McKenna 08:05:23 11/26/15
- antitank weapons - hanson 17:12:04 07/25/15
- Re: antitank weapons - Jack Heslin - The Scribe 20:54:12 09/09/15
- Re: antitank weapons - hanson 17:53:48 07/25/15
- Re: antitank weapons - Jack Heslin - The Scribe 20:54:12 09/09/15
- antitank weapons - hanson 01:32:31 07/25/15
- huey ride out of Kontum - mac mckinzie 14:06:24 04/12/15
- Capt. Fred Suttle - jackye shipley finch 17:53:50 10/24/14
- RE: 17th CAG Safety Office - JIMMY MACKEY 13:51:20 10/08/14
- Kontum 1968 TET events - Dennis VanDall 19:27:06 03/10/14
- macv 1968 - dennis vandall 14:24:25 03/10/14
- Tow Team Missle Vet passes away - Gayle Sudeck 12:59:57 01/26/13
- Re: Tow Team Missile Vet passes away - Jack Heslin 22:08:30 02/15/13
- Re: Tow Team Missile Vet passes away - Jack Heslin 22:08:30 02/15/13
- jim golding - kontum 01:11:47 01/19/13
- Dr Pat's Hospital after TET 68 - fred weston 22:35:02 11/26/12
- Tan Can and Kontum 1971 - Tim Rooney 05:15:56 06/24/12
- 1/8 and 2/8 4th Inf. Div. 67-68 - Kenneth B. Burtch 21:43:24 04/07/12
- Col. Le Duc Dat - KT Tran 12:15:24 11/20/11
- This War and ALL WARS - Lita Bitterman 04:49:52 07/23/11
- col Lê Duc Dat - Maurice Paronitti 09:20:27 07/13/11
- Re: col Lê Duc Dat - Tom McKenna 17:40:10 09/28/11
- Re: col Lê Duc Dat - Jack Heslin 10:01:54 07/28/11
- Re: col Lê Duc Dat - Tom McKenna 17:40:10 09/28/11
- 180th ASHC pilots - FRANCISCO J. GARCIA 23:48:31 01/19/11
- Re: 180th ASHC pilots - CWO MIKE MACALUSO 196 ASHC 23:02:50 04/22/13
- Re: 180th ASHC pilots - Jack Heslin 12:39:16 05/01/11
- Re: 180th ASHC pilots - CWO MIKE MACALUSO 196 ASHC 23:02:50 04/22/13
- Louis Emil Janca - George Slook 20:02:03 11/10/10
- Re: Louis Emil Janca - Anne Watts 14:01:00 12/01/10
- Re: Louis Emil Janca - Anne Watts 14:01:00 12/01/10
- Dr. Pat Smith & Minh Quy Hospital - Michael Sepal 08:15:26 07/21/10
- Re: Dr. Pat Smith & Minh Quy Hospital - Michael Sepal 15:12:03 12/07/17
- Re: Dr. Pat Smith & Minh Quy Hospital - Michael Sepal 22:56:54 12/08/18
- Re: Dr. Pat Smith & Minh Quy Hospital - Michael Sepal 22:56:54 12/08/18
- Re: Dr. Pat Smith & Minh Quy Hospital - Michael Sepal 15:12:03 12/07/17
- For Tran D. - Dave Theis 06:38:11 06/23/10
- LT Chuck Tallman - Dave Theis 04:50:15 06/15/10
- Re: LT Chuck Tallman - John Tallman 21:54:25 07/26/10
- Re: LT Chuck Tallman - Dave Theis 07:43:28 06/17/10
- Re: LT Chuck Tallman - Tom McKenna 16:40:22 01/10/12
- Re: LT Chuck Tallman - Jack Heslin 20:54:50 07/15/10
- Re: LT Chuck Tallman - Tom McKenna 16:40:22 01/10/12
- Re: LT Chuck Tallman - John Tallman 21:54:25 07/26/10
- Evacuation all personal Kontum ASAP - Tower #13 Air traffic control Kontum AAF 00:17:00 05/05/10
- Re: Evacuation all personal Kontum ASAP - Gary L. Davis 16:25:46 05/19/19
- Re: Evacuation all personal Kontum ASAP - Gary L. Davis 16:25:46 05/19/19
- D 2/8 Cav. 3/1 Cav. A.M. MayJn72 - Philip Leekley 20:13:42 04/24/10
- Access to QL-1 from Kontum in '72 - Troy 19:17:45 04/08/10
- Re: Access to QL-1 from Kontum in '72 - Troy 15:21:53 04/15/10
- Re: Access to QL-1 from Kontum in '72 - Troy 15:21:53 04/15/10
- The Passing of a Kontum Vet - Paul V. Gannon 16:47:49 03/04/10
- Re: The Passing of a Kontum Vet - Tom McKenna 19:54:40 07/16/11
- Re: The Passing of a Kontum Vet - Tom McKenna 19:54:40 07/16/11
- VC Bounty Flyer - George Slook 16:44:10 02/05/10
- Masters Thesis - Kontum - Ken Endres 20:32:23 05/17/09
- 7/17th Battle of Kontum Reunion - Larry Brassell Scout Pilot 7/17th 09:17:06 02/15/09
- Re: 7/17th Battle of Kontum Reunion - Marvin Copeland 12:29:14 05/05/09
- Re: 7/17th Battle of Kontum Reunion - Larry Brassell - Scout Pilot 7/17th 12:27:51 05/05/09
- Re: 7/17th Battle of Kontum Reunion - Marvin Copeland 12:29:14 05/05/09
- Combat Power - Tom Savoie LTC USA Ret 10:05:27 09/11/08
- Re: Combat Power - Tom Savoie LTC USA Ret 12:27:32 09/11/08
- Re: Combat Power - Jack Heslin 12:29:04 09/11/08
- Re: Combat Power - Jack Heslin 12:29:04 09/11/08
- Re: Combat Power - Tom Savoie LTC USA Ret 12:27:32 09/11/08
- LZ Brillo - jim 23:53:02 08/04/08
- LZ Brillo Pad - William Jeffery 12:06:07 06/19/08
- Re: LZ Brillo Pad - Paul 15:35:20 09/27/09
- Re: LZ Brillo Pad - Paul 15:35:20 09/27/09
- President Johnson - Bob 16:26:21 03/16/08
- Re: President Johnson - Troy 19:27:29 04/08/10
- Re: President Johnson - Troy 19:27:29 04/08/10
- O'Reilly Factor - Bob Miller 20:20:50 11/15/04
- JOHN PAUL VANN COIN FOR TODAY? - William Page 20:48:09 06/24/04
- SSGT-Army 5th Special Forces (Team B-36) Kontum - Jim. Golding. Jr. 12:09:50 5/28/2004
- News Coverage as a Weapon - Monday, May 17, 2004 - Wretchard The Cat 05:54:34 5/21/2004
- Did anybody here know my uncle John Perry Patton, KIA - Clay Shannon 12:35:47 4/23/2004
- LOH - Wayne Mutza 06:19:53 3/30/2004
- Re: LOH - Bob Hesselbein 06:34:30 5/18/2004
- Re: LOH - Bob Hesselbein 06:34:30 5/18/2004
- VNAF aircraft photos Kontum / Dak To - Leon Wohlert 10:37:19 3/11/2004
- easter of 72 - fred alvis 09:52:03 1/15/2004
- Culture Jamming the "Vietnam" Meme - John Heslin 19:50:55 7/03/2003
- Re: Culture Jamming the "Vietnam" Meme - William B. Page 17:55:45 8/13/2003
- Granted - John Heslin 16:12:59 8/17/2003
- Granted - John Heslin 16:12:59 8/17/2003
- Re: Culture Jamming the "Vietnam" Meme - Brian Mahony 15:51:51 8/07/2003
- Re: Culture Jamming the "Vietnam" Meme - William B. Page 17:55:45 8/13/2003
- The Battle of Kontum and the War on Terrorism - John G. Jack Heslin 17:13:19 5/14/2002
- Re: The Battle of Kontum and the War on Terrorism - Jack Heslin 18:42:51 2/17/2003
- Re: The Battle of Kontum and the War on Terrorism - Jack Heslin 18:42:51 2/17/2003